Are you a current premedical student who would like to be paired with a mentor to explore the topics above?

Mentees – Learn More

Are you an admission officer, practicing physician or pre-health advisorwho would like to be paired with a mentee to explore the topics above?

What is my commitment?

By applying to this program, you agree to participate in4 weekly calls, 1 per week during the month-long program. This may be a voice or video call as agreed upon and arranged by each individual pair. The suggested length of each call to ensure adequate time to address the topic for the week is30 minutes or more.

We hope that the connections made through this program will continue beyond the duration of the program, but the “sprint” design of the program is intended to allow our mentors and mentees to squeeze this valuable interaction into their busy schedules.


Program Timeline – Winter 2025 Sprint

  • Applications are Open!
    DEADLINE: Monday, January 20
  • Live Orientation Session
    (for mentors and mentees):

    Monday, January 27; 8:00pm – 9:00pm ET
  • Mentorship sprint takes place:
    Monday, January 27 – Friday, February 28
  • Reflections, Feedback, and Happy Hour:
    Friday, February 28; 6:00pm – 7:00pm ET