President Elect
The President Elect serves the first of a two-year term. The President Elect is responsible for all of the duties of all national officers and is expected to spend his/her year preparing for a successful year as president. Specific responsibilities include working with the VPM to recruit and engage members, serving on the finance committee, and assisting the national president as necessary.
The President is the senior elected officer of the association. The President is a full-time, salaried officer who serves a one-year term at the national office. As such, the president is responsible for overseeing the Board of Trustees (BOT) and all Association initiatives, working with local chapters and implementing AMSA’s strategic plan. They preside over all meetings of the BOT and is an ex-officio member on all committees (except the Nominations Committee). The President is also responsible for choosing a theme and overseeing AMSA’s Annual Convention.
The President represents AMSA in all external affairs. They advise organized medicine on issues related to medical students, supports legislative and educational initiatives, often gives testimony on AMSA’s behalf and works with the media. The President may also initiate projects of priority to the organization.
The President’s year is never without work. The President should have strong written and oral communication skills, organizational and administrative skills and a complete knowledge of AMSA. Other useful qualities are networking abilities, knowledge of health policy and medical education policy, and a willingness to travel. Most importantly, this is a full-time job. The President must be exceptionally dedicated to working to advance the interests of the Association.
Vice President for Membership
This is a two year term: the first year serving as Vice President for Membership-elect beginning on May 1 of this leadership year, and assuming the role of Vice President of Membership the following year.
The Vice President of Membership (VPM) and the Vice President for Membership-elect (VPM-e) will work alongside the Trustees to lend executive direction to AMSA membership, writ large. The VPM oversees the domestic Membership Directors (MDs) and works with them on engaging medical students and connecting members to the opportunities AMSA provides for medical students. They also assist the National President and provide updates on the status of membership, chapters and the MDs work. Additionally, they closely work with ACTE to facilitate communication between local chapters and national AMSA. This is a great opportunity for an AMSA influencer, community-builder and believer in change. AMSA-style.
In addition to the duties of all national officers, the VPM-e and Vice President for Membership (VPM) has several specific responsibilities. The Vice President-Elect assists the President of the association as needed. This includes acting as an information resource and a troubleshooter to assist the membership directors in performing their jobs. The VPM may also be asked to assume other duties as directed by the President, the BOT or the House of Delegates. This may include, but is not limited to, chairing ad hoc committees and special work groups, acting externally as the official AMSA representative, or sitting on other committees of the association.
Following Convention, the VPM pursues specific areas of interest to the Association based on his or her workplan. The VPM is often called upon to assist in Convention planning. During this time, as the Convention approaches, a greater time commitment is required.
Secretary/Vice President For Internal Affairs*
*This is a two year term. In applying for this position, you will serve as the Secretary for one year and assume the role of Vice President for Internal Affairs the following year.
The Vice President for Internal Affairs (VPIA) and the Secretary are responsible for all planning and oversight of the HOD. They assure that all resolutions to be debated by the HOD are submitted to chapters well before Convention; staff, train and oversee all committees (Reference, Credentials and Nominations) of the HOD; and chair all sessions. They are intimately involved in the function of the Reference Committees, and they oversee the elections of the national officers at the convention.
The VPIA and Secretary also serve as members of the BOT. Because the Secretary/VPIA position is a two year term, the Secretary/VPIA bring continuity from one year to the next to the BOT, and their knowledge of the Preamble, Purposes and Principles and AMSA’s legislative functions makes them a great resource for information.
Time requirements are less intense from April to September, but responsibilities accelerate quickly as the Annual Convention approaches. January through Convention is the busiest time of their year.
Vice President For Program Development
The Vice President for Program Development is one of two Trustees elected to represent the needs and interests of AMSA’s programming arm including the Action Committees and Teams, Interest Groups, and other bodies carrying out AMSA’s mission-driven work. This Trustee focuses on the cultivation of high-quality projects and initiatives by maintaining a broad understanding of AMSA’s mission and priorities and by training student leaders in methodologies to increase the success of our programs.
Vice President for Leadership Development
The Vice President for Leadership Development is one of two Trustees elected to represent the needs and interests of AMSA’s programming arm including the Action Committees and Teams, the Interest Groups, and other bodies carrying out AMSA’s mission-driven work. This Trustee focuses on the cultivation of high-quality student leadership through training and professional development activities.
International Trustee
The International Trustee represents the concerns of the international medical student membership and leadership to the BOT and thus carries the responsibilities of any BOT member. The International Trustee will assist the international programming coordinator in providing leadership and guidance to the international membership.
The International Trustee must be an international member of the Association.
Premedical Trustee
The Premedical Trustee represents the concerns of premedical student membership and leadership to the BOT and thus carries the responsibilities of any BOT member. The Premedical Trustee will hold regular conference calls with the Premedical Membership Directors and assist them in providing leadership and guidance to the premedical membership. The Premedical Trustee will also develop the premedical programming at the annual convention. This position will be elected by the Premedical Caucus.
The Premedical Trustee must a premedical member of the Association.
Graduate Trustee
The Graduate Trustee employs skills in strategic organizational thinking, long-term planning, resource allocation and advocacy to steward AMSA’s resources and ensure that the needs and interests of the Graduate Caucus are represented on the BOT. The Graduate Trustee coordinates alumni membership activities with the national office and builds the alumni and resident networks as part of the Alumni Engagement Program. The Graduate Trustee serves in their position for two years.Ìý