AMSA the House of Delegates

The House of Delegates (HOD) is truly where AMSA’s members take ownership of the Association. As AMSA’s official policy-making body, the HOD allows representatives from each local medical chapter to meet once a year at the Annual HOD Meeting to vote on AMSA’s policies and to elect our national officers. The HOD is open to all members of AMSA to speak and vote. You, AMSA’s members, debate the issues, make the amendments and cast the votes to shape AMSA’s policies. Most importantly, any member of AMSA has the ability to write and submit resolutions to the HOD. We encourage everyone to submit and debate resolutions.

2025 HOD Sessions

Resolutions Session will be conducted via Zoom. Elections Session will be conducted at the 2025 Future Physicians for Change Conference in Washington D.C.

Resolutions Session

March 29, 2025

(Schedule Pending)

Elections Session

April 17, 2025

(Schedule Pending)

A resolution is a proposed change of AMSA’s policies that is considered by AMSA’s House of Delegates meeting. Every member of AMSA can write and submit resolutions to the HOD. Resolutions are a fundamental way in which the members of AMSA express their ownership of the association.


Three committees ensure the smooth functioning of the HOD and national officer elections: the Reference, Nominations and Credentials Committees. These committees are an excellent way for AMSA members to get involved nationally. AMSA depends on committed members to serve on these committees and to help the HOD function smoothly. Any active member of AMSA may apply to serve on the Credentials and/or Nomination Committees.


Our delegates are our policy makers: they vote on the policies that define what AMSA is and what it stands for. It is crucial for each chapter to raise its voice in the House–this voice is the real ownership and heart of our Association.


AMSA depends on dedicated student leaders to devote their extracurricular time and energy on their responsibilities as national leaders. Each leadership position varies greatly with respect to responsibility, time commitment and previous experience required. However, each requires a good working knowledge of our organization, dedication and excitement for AMSA.


Your Guide to the House of Delegates

We encourage you to review the following videos for a better understanding of how the AMSA House of Delegates works. Please disregard any mention of past dates and/or locations.

A Comprehensive Summary of AMSA’s HOD 2023

What it is, why it matters and where you can play a role: a blog post.

And explore our HOD Workshop — complete with a mock resolution:

AMSA: Your Guide to the House of Delegates 2012 – Part 1 of 2

AMSA: Your Guide to the House of Delegates 2012 – Part 2 of 2