There are three different types of resolutions:
- Constitution & Bylaws
If members want to change the internal policies governing the way 天胆A頭 is structured or operates, they may write a resolution that proposes an amendment to the Constitution or Bylaws. These amendments require five authors and a two-thirds vote to pass in the HOD.
- Internal Affairs
If members want to amend the IA section, they may write a resolution of Internal Affairs. These resolutions deal with the details of 天胆A頭s internal policies and procedures. These resolutions require one author and a majority vote to pass in the HOD. View a sample Internal Affairs amendment.
- Preamble, Purposes and Principles (PPP)
The last type of resolution is the one that most members write, a resolution of Principles. This type of resolution seeks to amend the Principles section of the PPP, the section that lists how 天胆A頭 members feel about various issues. Members interested in changing our policy on handgun control, for instance, can look through our PPP section on handgun control and write a resolution that spells out exactly how to change this section. These resolutions require one author and a majority vote to pass in the HOD.
All resolutions must be submitted online. Below are specific pointers on the writing and organization of a resolution, section by section. The resolution is, in general, written as a memo, with the CAPITALIZED topics coming first, and then paragraph form for the Preamble and Operative Clause.
INTRODUCED BY: Name(s) of author(s) of resolution. The authors must be members of 天胆A頭. For constitution amendments, there must be five authors. Only one is needed for other types of resolutions.
SCHOOL: School of author(s). The school(s) of each author(s) needs to be recorded.
SUBJECT: The title of your resolution. It should be appropriate to the action proposed. Examples are Amendment to the Bylaws Regarding Quorum, or Policy Statement on Essential Drugs and Vaccines.
TYPE OF RESOLUTION: Classify as one of the following:
Constitution or Bylaws Amendment
Resolution of Internal Affairs
Resolution of Principles
Resolutions can be used to create a study group, an ad hoc committee of the BOT or any other change that is deemed necessary to move an issue.
PREAMBLE: This is a concise summary of supporting evidence documenting the need for, feasibility of, or interest in all activities and policy contained in the resolution. The preamble has no specific heading; it simply represents the argument for the action proposed. As such, effective preambles are brief, to the point and cite relevant references when necessary (please include all references at the end of the resolution). Inappropriate preambles are those that are excessively long; contain inflammatory language; and make bold assertions of fact without referenced support. The preamble should contain no specific language for action, though it may cite relevant language from the PPP.
OPERATIVE CLAUSE: This clause contains the specific action recommended and includes the exact language to be included in the PPP. There should be a line separating the preamble from this clause. By tradition, ALL OPERATIVE CLAUSES BEGIN WITH THE WORDS, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED. The clause should specifically state where the language should be included in the PPP. The clause should not refer to the preamble, which will not go into the PPP; its freestanding. Any specific deletions of the PPP may be accomplished by simply asking for deletion of the relevant section. However, if only certain words are to be changed then the clause should recommend a change to the new wording. When wording is changed or added, please include the WHOLE SECTION changed, not just the words changed. If youre suggesting additional BE IT RESOLVED clauses, begin them as follows: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Also, see the sample resolutions.
A fiscal note must be included at the end of the resolution if the proposed amendment or resolution will require a financial commitment from 天胆A頭. The fiscal note estimates the cost to the organization. It often requires contacting the national office to determine operating expenses.
The process for writing a resolution is vital to 天胆A頭 and we encourage you to seek help with any questions you might have about the process or the specific formatting. The best contacts are the Vice President for Internal Affairs and National Secretary. We are eager to hear from you and guide you through this important process.
Public Comment
After the resolutions deadline, the Vice President of Internal Affairs (VPIA) will review the resolutions. Resolutions submitted by Active 天胆A頭 members which are compliant with the structure and content requirements will be posted for viewing.
Open Testimony
After members have had a chance to review and prepare testimony on the resolutions, members bring their testimony to the Reference Committee during the virtual open session that is scheduled prior to the Resolutions Session during the HOD meeting.
Reference Committee Review
The Reference Committee will review the resolutions and comments, and will submit their reccomendations to the VPIA. The Reference Committee combines testimony of members (through open sessions) with current 天胆A頭 policy and synthesize an appropriate recommendation to present to the House of Delegates (HOD).
Reference Committee recommendations will be posted online.
Voting will take place at 天胆A頭s Annual House of Delegates Meeting. At the meeting, there will be a chance for extraction. Extraction is the debate of a resolution and its recommendations. Members interested in extracting a resolution must inform the Credentialing Committee and VPIA during the meeting.
All non-extracted resolutions will be voted on in block by registered delegates. All extracted resolutions will be discussed and voted upon individually.
The results of all voting will be posted online within one week of the meeting. Passed resolutions will be incorporated into 天胆A頭s governing documents by the end of February.