Devika Shenoy

PharmFree Chair

Devika is one of the national co-chairs for the PharmFree Campaign and a current first-year medical student at the Duke University School of Medicine. She is very excited by the PharmFree scorecard, and hopes to continue advocating for an education free from the influences of the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. Prior to joining Å·ÃÀAƬ, Devika helped lead the University Report Card at Universities Allied for Essential Medicines, served as a project manager for the Free the Vaccine for COVID-19 campaign, and organized various health policy campaigns as the president of the NSAC@PrescriptionJustice! She has a strong interest in using health economics research and grassroots advocacy to advance policy platforms aimed at improving the lives of patients, especially those facing systemic inequities. She currently lives in North Carolina, and enjoys reading novels, taking care of plants, and spending time with her friends!